Jeanine Harms' Parents Break Their Silence

NBC Bay Area Exclusive: Frustration Grows For Missing Woman's Parents

Updated 4:03 PM PST, Thu, May 13, 2010

Jesse and Georgette Sanchez haven't spoken publicly about their missing daughter, Jeanine Harms, in roughly two years.

They vowed to not make any comments about the case until there were new, concrete developments.

But on Wednesday, they'd had enough.

"Very frustrated," said Georgette. "Waiting and waiting and that's what we've been doing, just waiting".

Jeanine Harms' Parent Break Silence

Jeanine Harms' Parent Break Silence

Jeanine Harms' Parent Break Silence

Waiting, she said, for a phone call from the office of the Santa Clara County district attorney.

 Jeanine Harms was last seen on July 27 of 2001 at the Rock Bottom Brewery in Campbell.

Police have not found her body.

Investigators arrested the man who was with her that night, Maurice Nasmeh.

But after spending two years in jail awaiting trial, a judge ordered Nasmeh's release, citing faulty evidence.

The family said they would get frequent updates from prosecutors in the years after Harms disappeared in 2001.

But in the last two years, the family says the phone hasn't rung.

They said the people handing the case in the D.A.'s office had been transferred to other units or departments.

'We received no calls," said Jesse Sanchez. "We don't know who the contact people are."

The family agressively kept the case in the news, but declined interviews the last couple years.

They broke their silence to NBC Bay Area this week to discuss their worry about not receiving updates.

NBC Bay Area called the district attorneys office, and on Wednesday, Sanchez's phone rang during the interview.

"One of the things I asked you," Jesse Sanchez told the person on the other line, "If you could keep in contact. Let us know something is happening, just so we know."

Sanchez later identified the caller as Dale Sanderson, the lead prosecutor in the Nasmeh case.

The D.A.'s office later released this statement to NBC Bay Area:


"We sympathize with the Harms family and understand the frustration they feel with what they are going through. The case is and always has been an active investigation, and we continue to pursue that investigation."


Jesse Sanchez told NBC Bay Area, "I'm going on 84 and Georgette is going to be 85. We don't know how many years we have left."

His wife Georgette added, "We're wondering if we'll be gone when they decide what's what." 

First Published: May 13, 2010 3:05 PM PST

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  • 17% furious 4
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